It took so long for the good weather to arrive this year, I've only just made my first trip to Maine this week. Mid-June!! And I'm reminded how I love this place.....waking with the sun to the sound of birds chirping, sometimes I can even hear the ocean as the marsh is right behind me. I was having a coffee at the seawall yesterday morning...I love that, sitting there and breathing in that salt air, steel grey ocean as far as one can see, the shore along Moody, Ogunquit, Perkins Cove, and York to my right....all the way to Kennebunkport on my left. And my cell rings--its my brother Dave. Within 5 minutes he's sitting with me and I get to visit with my baby brother and "catch up"....a few hours later, Ray and I are off on our bikes....passing his cousin's place off Route 1 we see their car. So we stop and have another visit...then continue on our way to Ogunqut, through the quiet sleepy neighborhoods off the main drag, to OGT beach, over to Perkins Cove. This is such a beautiful part of Maine. I love the rugged coast, the marshes, and I've logged God knows how many hours biking around in the 35 years I've been summering here.
Some of you know the disappointment I've had here, in this Park,the past couple of summers. Hateful, small minded (yet big mouthed!) people...but you know what? On the grand scale of things, on any scale really, they don't matter. I should have done as my Dad did; kept to myself. He would come here (its was his place after all, the whole resort...he's the one who made this possible, its his legacy if you will)...he would come here, walk, beach, and sit on his porch and read. He wasn't a "joiner" and he liked his space for all his love of life and a good laugh. But he chose his friends carefully, wisely. He thought distance and fences made good neighbors. Not constantly hanging together. So this "clique" that has made me uncomfortable and been extremely mean and hurtful...well, they don't matter. I matter. My dad matters. My love of this area matters. My history here matters. My family here matters.
I feel like a great weight has been lifted, free if you will...and that's what rising above a difffiult situation does. It empowers you. This is how we are meant to enjoy God's gift of another prescious day. Enjoying it. Celebrating it. Giving thanks for all that we have. And letting go of the stone of negtivity that is weighing one down. Any stone, whatever form it make take. A stressful co-worker, a complaining friend, a wrong done you for no logical reason. We can't control how others behave. We can control how we handle it. And letting go of caring...really letting go 'cos these negatives don't matter...that's when you're free. Light, happy...and free. They don't matter!!
So, I'm back in my happy place. The sun is shining through my Florida room blinds, Pepper is sleeping in a chair and Ray's still in bed...I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee enjoying my space and the quiet and the happiness that another Maine day is sure to bring.
Friday, June 21, 2013
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